Cute Kat over at
Maple Leaves and Sycamore Trees gave me the Stylish Blogger Award last week. Thanks so much for thinking of wee little me:)

So I need to tell you 7 things about myself...hmm...I'll try not to bore you...too much.
1. I have a degree in Apparel and Textiles from Utah State University. Its a fashion merchandising degree and back in the day I kind of knew what I was doing in that field. 9 years and 3 kids later, I haven't kept up with the ever changing fashion industry too much. Good thing I've got some really stylish friends to alert me of new trends:)
2. My dream job when I graduated college was to be a buyer for
Nordstrom, where I had the opportunity to intern and work while in school, or to be a personal shopper. I ended up getting married the fall after I graduated and staying in our valley where I taught fashion merchandising to juniors and seniors in high school. I still love teaching!
I'm doing my dream job at this stage of my life by being a mom to my three boys. Its definitely been the most trying job I've ever had, and I struggle everyday to find a good balance, but its the best I've ever had too.

3. I love anything sweet, like love it A LOT! I have a problem. My weaknesses are cookies, cherry
twizzler bites, ice cream and anything chocolate. I have a cup of hot chocolate almost every night after we put kids to bed. There's something relaxing about it to me.
4. My husband and I have moved 9 times in the 8 years we've been married (and those moves were all in the first 6 years of our marriage). Yeah,
sucky! It sure does make us appreciate where we are now though, we are living in the 4
th house we've owned and plan to be here FOR- EV-ER! My blog Cove Street is named after the street we live on. That's just what my neighborhood is, a little cove of about 25 lots. As cheese ball as it sounds, there's no where in the world I'd rather be than right where we are. I love our community, being close to family and friends and how beautiful it is in Cache Valley (except for this blasted snow that keeps falling, seriously so done!)
5. I'm not a good cook. I came to this realization a couple of weeks ago when I completed another failed attempt at a new recipe.
6. I am the youngest of 3 kids, I have two older brothers. Growing up I always wanted a sister, but now that I'm older my mom is one of my best friends. I'm kind of a "mom and dad's girl" (not in a clingy, pathetic way), we see them at least twice a week and I love spending time with them.
Me and my brothers, not the best picture of Chris...he usually doesn't look like this:)
7. Lastly, my dream vacation would consist of scouring flea markets and fabric stores. Anyone game?
Don't ya hate in when people just talk about themselves? Me too, sorry! Thanks for reading friends!

I am passing the Stylish Blogger Award on to
Joi from
Nuestra Vida Dulce. This girl is my
thrifting hero! Check out her house, I want to live in her
living room. And she is just as sweet as she is stylish!