Slowly but surely progress has been made on my house. It feels like such a long time coming. I've been saving for my built ins for a year, but I definitely feel they elevate the space. Here are a few sneak peeks of the projects that have been going on around here the past couple of months. Keep in mind nothing is "completely styled" (ex. the bookcase) and its all a work in progress :) Isn't is always?

Waiting to purchase some dust free chalk before I let kiddos go to town on the chalkboard wall. i'm thinking I'll do a fun quote that spans the top 3 walls.

The cabinet door is my fold out secretary desk that stores our computer. Love that I can fold the home office up and out of site.

These pics are bad, but I love the feel of our new entry. So much more "me" than before. I still need to put pics in frames and add something on the wall above the lamp.
Hope all is well for everyone. Its spring break here in Utah. We're headed to Baby Animal Days, a birthday party and a hike. The week's been a little slow, so the busyness is much appreciated :)
Happy Easter!